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Upgraded healthcare

In the coming years, Filipinos can expect significant improvements in healthcare, leading to a better quality of life across the nation.

Firstly, advancements in medical research and technology will bring about new vaccines and potential cures for diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer's. These breakthroughs promise to revolutionize treatment options and offer hope for better health outcomes.

Additionally, there will be a greater emphasis on mental health awareness and support services. Helplines and affordable counseling and therapy options will become more widely available, addressing the growing need for mental health care in the population.

Overall, these upgrades in healthcare will enhance preventive measures, treatment options, and support services, ultimately contributing to improved health and well-being for Filipinos.

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Selected Quotes

... I think having that template at least is still something that's feasible, wherin everything is digitalized, at least for health [centers]. And there should also still be a way for things to work offline.

Product designer

[Health and wellness would be]...pretty much the same...[we would] probably [have] better systems in hospitals...but that's like a [current] thing that could happen.

Product Manager

And I think...there are many like opportunities for technology and AI to play a part [in our future healthcare]...I'm optimistic about it.

Data Scientist

...[T]here will be much more health centers, and they'll [all] be digitalized. So it would be automatic in the sense that, if a new health center was built, there is already a template they can use: Okay, this is what they can do, it's set up already, they should already have available resources...[and] tools for them. So I [do] think that's still possible for the Philippines in 2040. But...of course, it's gonna be a matter of managing the resources.

Product designer