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Service consolidation

In the foreseeable future, Filipinos anticipate the emergence of consolidated service platforms, offering streamlined access to diverse services in one convenient location.

In finance, the desire for a super-app is prominent, enabling users to manage banking, investment, and insurance needs seamlessly. Additionally, open banking solutions gain traction, facilitating secure data sharing via APIs to integrate financial data with budgeting and advisory applications.

Similarly, in entertainment, there's a call for unified platforms that amalgamate various media sources such as YouTube, Netflix, and news outlets, providing users with a curated and personalized experience.

In summary, the demand for service consolidation reflects a practical need for efficiency and convenience, driving the development of integrated platforms to meet Filipinos' evolving preferences and expectations.

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Selected Quotes

Right now, what I'm seeing is happening is [that we're] straying away from cable [too], a lot of people are just streaming, so by then, [cable would be] very small now, or it might not even exist anymore.

Product Manager

And with open banking...again, this is something not just for the Philippines, but I want for the whole world. Like can I just access my finances [with] one thing? Like that would be so nice, yeah.

Product Manager

...[T]echnology is a tool in terms of finance...depending on like your perspective on social economics, but for me, it is realistically. Siyempre, biased ako kasi I work at a fintech company, pero I think if things were to go as, as planned, like for me at work, currently then financial inclusion would be like a good goal to work towards, and we are working towards it. We have...the steps to work towards it.

Data Scientist

Entertainment would be more curated in an evolving kind of way...It's like, for example, [how everything we consume is siloed into different platforms]. Netflix of all things like streaming videos. This thing has all things like blogs. This thing has all things like Youtube videos. Probably by then, we'd probably have like one known platform that curates and involves all types of media that you actually consume. So if you imagine like one platform, with the sense of Youtube, Netflix, news, [etcetera], there's probably going to be a winner by then, in my opinion. It's not exactly gonna come from the Philippines, but it's going to come from somewhere. And it's probably gonna break through...

UX Designer & Researcher

For finance, I think...hopefully by that time we have at least one good financial platform for groups of financial needs...I guess, my idea [of an overall financial platform] [would be] like a bare minimum in my idealistic state.

UX Designer & Researcher