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Blurred boundaries

In the near future, digitalization will continue to dissolve the barriers between the physical and digital worlds, ushering in a new era of interconnectedness and immersive experiences.

Firstly, 24/7 connectivity will become the norm, facilitated by wearables that enable constant communication and location sharing. This pervasive connectivity will reshape socialization, allowing for seamless interactions and fostering a culture of Filipino fanaticism through continuous engagement with celebrities via 24-hour streams.

Additionally, the integration of extended reality (XR) technologies will further blur boundaries. In shopping, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) will enable virtual product testing, revolutionizing the retail experience for Filipinos by allowing them to try on clothes and visualize furniture in their own spaces.

Moreover, AR-enhanced wearables will enhance social interactions by providing informational overlays and language translation features, enriching communication experiences. XR will also transform entertainment, with virtual music festivals and culturally immersive events like sabong offering innovative and engaging experiences to Filipinos.

In summary, the blurring of boundaries between the physical and digital realms will bring about practical changes in how Filipinos interact, shop, and entertain themselves, ushering in a future where seamless integration of technology enhances various aspects of daily life.

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Selected Quotes

So [for a probable future of] socialization, it'll be the same things like social media and being able to communicate, but maybe incorporate a bit more...AI into that, in the sense [that] social media algorithms are...stronger now.

Product Manager

With shopping, I don't see it that different, but I feel like a lot of it's gonna be more [digitalized] too...[but not] that [will have] more tailored recommendations, more new products, more platforms to shop...again, the integration of AR into shopping, like seeing it right in front of you, even trying it on.

Product Manager

I keep going back to AR and VR, but I feel like that's gonna be a key part of entertainment by then.

Product Manager

Maybe AR will be here by 2040...Like what I mean by "be here" is [that] it's more incorporated into daily life. Now, I see that very feasible.

Product Manager

I guess there's gonna be like new forms of entertainment, like with the new tech developments: new sports will come, [and] new gimmicks will come as well.

Product Manager

...[W]hat is happening right now is that wearables are becoming more accessible. So maybe in that future of 2040, wearables will also be a thing that you get a loan for...Like now right, you only get a loan if you're gonna buy an iPhone...laptop...[or] appliances. So in 2040, maybe wearables will also now be a thing in the Philippines that will be used for [contacting people more easily]. So that connects to the socialization, wherein contacting others becomes much can share where your location can livestream where you are, but that's a very [high] security risk, I just realized now. But I don't know, that's on them; they wanted that to happen [to them anyways].

Product designer

I'll also say [that] 24 hours streams [are possible here]; people will be able to live with their celebrity crushes, [since] they would be [much more] accessible.

Product designer

And I think that this one innovation that is looming in the eyes of the streamer world...[with] V-Tubers and technology that has...extended reality.

Product designer