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More user-friendliness

In the foreseeable future, digitized experiences will become increasingly user-friendly, catering to the needs and expectations of consumers across various sectors.

In finance, local banking apps will undergo significant improvements in product design, spurred by competition and consumer demands. Efforts to combat scammers and fraudsters will intensify, ensuring greater security for users. In healthcare, offline functionality will become standard practice, allowing clinicians to seamlessly log patient data even in areas with unreliable internet connections. This advancement will save valuable time for both healthcare professionals and patients alike.

Furthermore, AI-driven personalization will revolutionize user experiences across multiple industries. Targeted advertising will deliver tailored recommendations on social media and shopping platforms, enhancing the relevance of content for users. In healthcare, AI-powered Clinical Decision Support Systems and image analysis tools will bolster diagnostic accuracy and efficiency for healthcare professionals, ultimately improving patient care.

In conclusion, the future holds a promise of more intuitive and accessible technology, empowering users with enhanced digital experiences and streamlined processes across finance, healthcare, and beyond.

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Selected Quotes

So...I think the problem is: how do you make it sound cool? How do you make it sound like it's something that I would do or sign up for?...Like how do you get people to consider actually [adopting this technology], because even if they do sign up, and they feel privileged and their behavior is like "God, it's the greatest thing in the world"...the problem is: how do you onboard people or how do you push people to do it, because you're gonna run out of incentives at some point, right? Like you can't keep incentivizing people to keep doing stuff. So yeah, I do you make it more natural to get people onboarded?...How do you make it more natural just to feel like this is a good thing, instead of just forcing somebody to use it, is probably the trickiest part with anything, right?

Jay Demetillo
Designer & consultant

...I mean, yeah, people still use GrabPay, [and] Gcash, but I feel like the Philippines is easily swayed if there's a really good banking digital app that comes along that can let you do a lot of things, especially [buying] stock, [transferring] money without fees, [and] has a really good credit card...So I think the big thing with Filipinos is transferring money from somewhere to somewhere in general. So if there's a digital bank that makes [this process] easy, [and] takes advantage of my digital identity as well, that'd be great.

Jay Demetillo
Designer & consultant

...[T]he onboarding experience with crypto is atrocious still...So the gold standard here is that...every phone already has biometrics, [like] your thumbprint. It also has a little bit of eye stuff, but that's a little bit more rare. What you are hoping for is that you can eventually use your thumb, your voice, or your face to log into your crypto wallet. And that technology is almost there. We finally have kind of like a way to do that. And I think that if we get to that point, then...all of that pain that you felt when you were...creating your Metamask wallet for the first time, it goes away. Because now, it's more like: open your Metamask wallet, register your thumbprint, and that's it. You're done; you're already ready to go. That's what we're looking for, and when we get to that point, I think that...we'll get so many more users because you don't have to explain all of this other stuff. Now, the the fact that I have to create videos explaining how to create your Metamask wallet or open your's ridiculous, right? I mean, that's like...I guess in the early 2000s, people were probably making tutorials about how to create your first Gmail account...we shouldn't have to, right. You don't get the mass adoption by having to watch Youtube videos about just opening an account. So I think that...we'll definitely see some some improvements there. But of course, wallets like Metamask have to adopt it first. So that's kind of the the big challenge...I think, that the onboarding process is really painful.

Luis Buenaventura
Head of Crypto, GCash

The other thing too is that...20,000 currencies is a lot...Filipinos are used to thinking about 2 [currencies], usually. So that's your peso and...Ask your average Filipino; they [probably] have a pretty good idea what the dollar exchange rate is. So we're very aware of [how] the USD kind of...interacts with the peso. But that's it. We're only really used to those 2 things. I guess what I would really like to see eventually, and people are working on this too, is some kind of universal wallet where when you pay for anything, it'll just kind of figure out what the most optimal cryptocurrency in your wallet to use is, and it won't [have to] ask you. So I guess there's some AI stuff here and definitely you have to kind of really trust it and all of that stuff. But like the idea that everyone can transact with everyone...there's a super messy spaghetti technology underneath...that would make that possible. But people are working on it right now. The idea don't have to think about what crypto is, which one do I need to pay for this particular thing...forget it. All of that stuff [is] not necessary; it'll just kind of make decisions for you intelligently.

Luis Buenaventura
Head of Crypto, GCash

I think by then, all of the banking apps [would] probably have good UI or UX...So right now, you have UnionBank, right? But all the [other] banking apps are still fucking ugly....[Thinking] cynically, they're probably all gonna look okay by then, like they have the budget...Or it's gonna be more obvious as we go nearer to that year that they have to shape up when comes to the UX of their banking apps.

UX Designer & Researcher

Maybe an additional component would be like...resisting factors from the environment like scammers, combatting scammers, fraud. Mga ganun...In terms of finance, it's always like a day-to-day battle, from experience. But I am optimistic about this one.

Data Scientist

... I think having that template at least is still something that's feasible, wherin everything is digitalized, at least for health [centers]. And there should also still be a way for things to work offline.

Product designer