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Social media addiction

Looking ahead, Filipinos' reliance on social media is likely to deepen, fueled by platforms like TikTok with enhanced algorithms designed to increase addictiveness.

Personalized content feeds tailored to users' interests will exacerbate isolation, as individuals encounter only content aligned with their preferences. This isolation will drive prolonged usage of the app, reinforcing existing beliefs and desires. Additionally, popular live shopping features on these platforms will further encourage impulsive buying behaviors.

In conclusion, addressing social media addiction will require efforts to promote digital wellness and responsible usage habits among Filipinos.

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Selected Quotes

I only thought of TikTok now but I also think na parang Tik Tok, short form videos, and shopping...since I know Tik Tok has shops's presence will also be in the Philippines pa rin.

Graphic Designer

In terms of entertainment...I don't think we should advance any more in this category. I think currently, we're doing a really good job of keeping people entertained. There's some good parts to it, and people who have literally nothing to do have something to do, so they don't like get bored out of their mind. But people have too much to do, I worry for them from a psychological perspective so I think we should stop advancing in terms of entertainment...[B]ut yeah, it's nice to know that there will always be like content to consume...

Data Scientist

[When it comes to]...entertainment...I feel like...[a realistic future] is kind of hard [to imagine], because I can just imagine [that] Tiktok would still be the same two decades from now, except [for an] improved algorithm that makes [the app] much more addicting to scroll. That's what will happen. And again, our feeds would be mainly driven by content from people [with the] same interests as us. So there'll be much more isolation from what we will see [on our feeds] would encourage us to stay in the app, scroll more, find people saying the same things as what you want to hear or see...yeah, that's kind of sad.

Engineer & Manager