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Technologies as survival tools

In a grim future overshadowed by conflict and despair, the Philippines descends into chaos, with technology serving as both a lifeline and a reminder of the depths of suffering.

Desperate cries for help echo across social media platforms, as Filipinos broadcast their suffering to a global audience in a bid for aid. Yet, amidst the cacophony of anguish, their pleas are drowned out by the indifference of a world consumed by its own troubles.

Meanwhile, as once-proud structures crumble and essential services falter, Filipinos are forced to resort to primitive means of existence. Like their ancestors of old, they fashion makeshift tools from stones, sticks, and strings, scavenged from the rubble of a shattered civilization. In a cruel twist of fate, the very technologies that once promised progress now lies dormant, its infrastructures ravaged beyond repair by the ravages of war.

In this bleak landscape, where survival hangs by a thread and hope is but a distant memory, technology serves as a stark reminder of humanity's folly—a testament to the fragility of civilization in the face of unrelenting conflict.

Every Filipino is now forced to become an "influencer"; they do whatever posts, reels, and lives that they can to leave their digital mark, unsure of when they'll leave the physical world.

Donate an eSim to Filipinos for just 2 dollars (around P100)! Your generosity will allow people within Metro Manila to connect to the outside world so that they can communicate with their families and show what’s happening.

A family prays before dinnertime, thanking the Lord for being able to eat and survive for another day.

Selected Quotes

[Socializing in this pessimistic future] would be like how a lot of people in Ukraine and Palestine are doing it...[right now,] they're living the worst case scenario...[where] their entire country and population [are] being completely obliterated...they're not there yet, but they're on the way to like being there. And I think it's like they use technology to rally support through people, like [posting] videos of what's happening. I think that could be one possibility.

Visual Designer

I feel like everything would be destroyed by bombs, then we'd have to retreat into caves, because I feel like that's what's happening now in Palestine. Like they bomb can't do anything. It's like destroyed right, by a bomb. So yeah, I feel like we just go back into caves, and we'd have to start from scratch...[back to manual stuff like stones and sticks]...[T]hat's where I think we're heading, if ever that happens. Or like in World War Two, like some of my family members, like my grandparents, parents, great-grandparents...they would live in the mountains to escape bombs and stuff. So maybe that's what we're gonna do. And obviously, there's no cellular signal in the mountains. So I think maybe that's what we're gonna do. Yeah. Seems pretty bleak.

Visual Designer