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Overreliance on AI

As AI becomes increasingly prevalent, Filipinos are likely to develop an overreliance on it, particularly within the education system. More students may turn to tools like ChatGPT to complete academic tasks, potentially signaling a decline in motivation and integrity.

Without adequate regulation and awareness surrounding AI, this trend could stagnate the quality of local education and hinder Filipino innovation. To mitigate these risks, there is a pressing need for greater oversight and education regarding the responsible use of AI in academic settings.

In conclusion, addressing the overreliance on AI requires proactive measures to promote critical thinking, ethical use of technology, and a balanced approach to integrating AI into education, ensuring that Filipinos continue to thrive and innovate in the face of advancing technology.

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Selected Quotes

Education, as it is right now. It's already occurring that unless people are trying very hard, education will suffer because of how technology is introduced to the new under prepared generation. One picture that I saw on Facebook very recently that I felt pretty bad about was it was like an [elementary or high school assignment] where they had a question, and student at used ChatGPT to answer it and, copied even parts like "As an AI language model" -- they copied that in a written answer. So seeing those words as an AI language model in paper, had written, that kind of creeped me, and I don't wanna blame the student, I don't wanna blame the teacher. I wanna blame the entire the failures of the entire society in keeping education safe. especially for these underdeveloped minds. Maybe the teacher was not very well aware of it, and he was not able to give caution to the students. Maybe the student really didn't know better, and just had unfortunate circumstances that drove him to copy that. All these things right now, like ChatGPT [which is] very, very powerful. I try to use it sparingly when I learn I when I'm coding, I don't want it to spoon feed me, but that probably wouldn't be the thought of high school students who just want quick answers. So again, imagine how bad that would become if kept unregulated. So for those users of technology and those handling technology, again, this is shared responsibility to make sure that we don't go towards the bad side. But again, it's already happening. So unless major changes happen, which they probably won't, we're gonna go towards the pessimistic side.

Data scientist

...I think more students would try and use ChatGPT or like those tools to game the system, because I noticed there's like...this negative attitude towards higher education right now...So yeah, I think [in terms of] education, people would kind of game the system a little bit more.

Visual Designer

I think the most probable for education is [that] we're going to start to plateau when it comes to quality...I think it's kind of already happening right now, where like some educators even are starting to fall into the grasp of AI. So...we have this whole knowledge boom, but it's gonna start to dwindle a bit, because people [will think:] "Oh, I can just reference from this person. I [can] just reference from that person. I [can] just take it from AI...[and have it] make me my course outline..." So I feel like [education is] gonna start to plateau at that time or towards that time. And...[if we have] the ratio of people who are trying to constantly improve the state of knowledge in education, and let's say the people trying to make it worse, and then the ratio of people who are just okay with copy-pasting, this middle one [(the people who are okay with copy-pasting)] is gonna grow a lot more. Because [these people think:] "Oh I'm just gonna copy paste, or I'm just gonna make AI tell me what to say..." [This group is] gonna be a lot larger than the people who are trying to let constantly test education and trying to make it better for other people.

UX Designer & Researcher