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Information filtering mechanisms

Prepare to witness the dawn of a digital revolution, where information is filtered with precision and integrity.

In this visionary future, the Philippines boasts an AI-driven system meticulously sifting through the vast expanse of Internet content, ensuring that truth and reliability prevail. Backed by a dedicated government body, this system stands as a bulwark against the tide of misinformation and disinformation, safeguarding Filipinos from the perils of fake news and historical distortion.

Bid farewell to videos peddling falsehoods and propaganda—here, only accurate and trustworthy content finds its way to the forefront. As we navigate the digital landscape with confidence, a brighter, more informed future awaits us all.

With the rise of deepfake technology permeating digital landscapes, Filipino students embark on a journey to discern fact from fiction in their media literacy class. Through engaging discussions and hands-on exercises, students unravel the intricate characteristics of deepfake videos, learning to scrutinize audiovisual content with a discerning eye. Armed with critical thinking skills and a newfound awareness of the nuances of digital deception, these Filipino learners emerge empowered to navigate the complexities of the modern media landscape with confidence and clarity.

Educational content creators on Youtube are verified based on factors like their professional credentials, reviews from third-party fact-checkers, and the number of views they get on their videos. This helps Filipino viewers find legitimate sources.

Selected Quotes

I'm thinking about how there's so much Internet information. How gonna be sifted so that...the right thing gets into [students'] hands? So yeah, there's the UX part na... it shouldn't be clunky. And then there's...also the filtering of like: "Oh, this is the correct information." So there shouldn't be like bad actors, censoring things, or like using it as propaganda.

Web developer and designer

...[M]aybe misinformation regarding health would also decrease by then. There are tons of fake doctors on YouTube telling people to do this and that just to get views. I hope by then, like anything on the Internet would be more regulated. And whatever service that the people get from the Internet, they can be from a governing body that is known to have ground truth and is controlled by...[and] verified by government and health institutions.

Data scientist