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Government incompetence

Looking ahead, the Philippines may face continued challenges due to government incompetence.

Essential services like healthcare, transportation, and education may see limited improvements, with progress hindered by piecemeal development efforts. For example, initiatives such as approving self-driving cars may proceed without adequate preparation of local roads, and educational reforms may prioritize revised history over enhancing educational outcomes.

Moreover, skepticism towards new leadership persists among Filipinos, rooted in past experiences of corruption and systemic shortcomings. Without significant changes in mindset or discourse within government institutions, progress may be impeded, perpetuating existing challenges.

In conclusion, addressing government incompetence is essential for the Philippines to overcome obstacles and achieve meaningful development.

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Selected Quotes

Health and wellness [in a probable future]...Oh, forget it. I gave up on that. I mean, like the Philippines is, it's not gonna happen, man. Assuming we stay the same as we are, assuming people can change...which won't happen unless we have the right education, and the right people in seats of power, it's gonna be the same. Nothing will happen.

Engineer & Researcher

I don't think they're gonna have enough programs that will...make [upgraded public transportation] the norm. some miracle, you know, we get [former VP Leni Robredo] on top, I don't know. But yeah, and my point is...God, the realistic [scenario] is so pessimistic. My point is, I don't know, the Philippines progresses slow. That's a given. And then, I feel like by 2040, a lot of things are gonna still be the same. Like dude, 2023 right now, how different is it from the 1990s? We have cars, we have a train, we have taxi cabs, we have jeeps. So maybe 2023 to 2040, jeeps will be modernized, and I hope they do a good way of implementing that. Tricycles as well. All those...I feel like it's really just modernization, but nothing too big of a change.

Product Manager

Education, same also. Nothing will change. I mean, just look at how people in power talk about the education system, like [Senator] Bato dela Rosa...what the hell is he even saying?...So unless that's just gonna get worse and worse. And the thing is this Bato de La Rosa gets support from people, right? Like what...Nothing is gonna happen. It's [still] gonna be like that, 10 years from now, [and] 20 years from now.

Engineer & Researcher

I know I was trying to be optimistic, and I'm sorry to be pessimistic now. But to be honest, I think the reason why I'm super unsure is because when people start working for the government, for example, they come in with the idea that they can change the institution from the inside, but then they end up like getting swallowed up and basically parang reverting or becoming like the exact opposite of their ideals when they first started. We see it often and often like politicians, right? Like when they started, almost revolutionary and then now they're spouting the same very backwards or antagonistic side. So I'm not too sure.

Graphic Designer

I kind of want to believe [in] the local government, but for some reason, I can't imagine the president being confident, which is like a trauma response, probably. Char.

Graphic Designer

I think...[progress] is piecemeal like it depends on the scenario but what I think I am noticing is what consumer trend becomes trendy, or something like that. But yeah, that's hard to predict, of course, so...I don't know...I don't have basis, but I think...the Philippines tends to follow general trends in the West, so the like there'll be interest and they'll be, they'll want to improve and attain that kind of like lifestyle, conveniences of ordinances of the West. So I think there's, there's part of it that's because of that. But there's, again, there's a big question of it is are we, are we butting things so that we're stagnating or like moving backwards? So like, I think there's gonna be progress but it's gonna be a, how much is going to get in that way?

Web developer and designer