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Digital divide

Looking ahead, the Philippines may contend with a widening digital divide, exacerbating existing inequalities.

Financial constraints would limit access to technological innovations for many, forcing some to revert to older, less expensive technologies like cable TV instead of streaming services. This disparity would extend to education, with hybrid learning models becoming prevalent. Children without the necessary resources for online learning may struggle academically, further deepening educational inequality.

In conclusion, bridging the digital gap and ensuring equitable access to technology and education should be key priorities to mitigate the widening disparities in Philippine society.

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Selected Quotes

...[T]he type of people that would be willing to transfer to digital banking...[would be] solely based on education, probably...How do you make it easy to save? What's the interest rate to save? What is it like to transfer money? Is it simple? Is it cheap? Right? Because then you at least make it more open. Like if I compare it to like digital banking in's quite nice [that the government tries] to make it easy for everybody to onboard. But the problem when you sign up need a digital identity, or you need to verify yourself. So, run into the same problem of identity...or like trusting a financial institution. I think it's really hard to build trust. I think you need to make sure that when you build trust with your make it secure, safe and whatnot when they sign up, right. So...they know that they're there, the money is safe and just making it clear. But I think when you think about educational status, that's like another thing...if some people are educated [enough] to know this digital bank is beneficial for them, then for sure they're gonna sign up, because they probably have like a tech background, they're educated and...they have tech literacy...versus maybe tech illiterate people that don't understand why they would sign up for this. They feel like it's a waste of time and they would rather trust...the shoe keeper down the street to be [their own] bank instead of this digital bank, right? And they don't know how to read English on the digital [banking] app, and they can't...[speak] fluent Tagalog...[because] they speak [Bisaya]...[or] some different dialect and they can't read [the language used by the app], which is unfortunate. So yeah, I think it all comes down to the educational splits as well.

Jay Demetillo
Designer & consultant

But on a personal level, I feel like the Philippines would become the center of scams, because I feel like many Filipinos are uneducated about phishing or whatever cyberattack. And I feel like there's just going to be a rise [in] malicious attacks on people. For example, in GCash, many people just have 58 pesos left in their e-wallets [because of those kind of attacks]. So the more that technology advances, the more advanced those cyberattacks will become, especially on financial apps.

Engineer & Manager

...[E]ducation in the Philippines...this is something that I don't see changing much as well. Maybe in private schools, yes, there will be big changes like using the new technologies. Public schools, depending on how the government is...what I'm seeing is like, it's gonna be more or less the same, but hopefully [these public schools] have access to these new tech tools that [those in private schools] have. I don't know. Yeah, I don't see a big difference here with education to be completely honest. Right now...I'm actually not sure if public schools are using [learning management systems (LMS)] now...I'm not sure if they are, but I feel like by then, I think everyone will be using an LMS in some way. But I don't think it's gonna be the [norm by then]. I feel like school will still be the same for us, because it's school. Yeah.

Product Manager

I don't know, but [every Filipino converting to streaming] is also not super feasible, because like I said earlier, some people can't afford all the tech but...why am I so pessimistic about this? I don't see much changes in 2040. I'm so sorry.

Product Manager

Tingin ko less yung mga bata na makakaenjoy ng hybrid na education pero yung mga makaranas ng hybrid na home and school environment, yan yung mga aasenso sa school. Tapos yung mga bata na may mga magulang na napipilitang pumasok everyday sa work, hindi yan ano, highly like sila na hindi magsusucceed academically. Yun yung realistic trend. Tingin ko mas kokonti lang talaga yung mga achievers na bata.

Front-end developer

...I feel like some people are starting to go back into cable again, because streaming services have become more expensive.

UX Designer & Researcher